Tea Tsilosani
Tea Tsilosani

 Chief Concertmaster of  the women's Choir 



Tea Tsilosani - was born 17 .03.1974

1989-1992 She studied at  The Z. Paliashvili State Musical College of the piano department, in Batumi.

Since 1999, works as a pedagogue.

Since 2000 is  Women's Choir chief Concertmaster. 


05.04.1984 -  Awarded a diploma for the best performance "Rondo - tokata" of Kabalevski 

In 1987  year of the  Piano Competition, was awarded a diploma for the best performance.

30.03.1988  Diploma for the best performance of a work for piano.

12.10.2005  Awarded for fruitful pedagogical activity The Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports Department of  Batumi.